the song remains the same

Summer’s almost over. I’ll miss this Twenty Seven Names white lace frock ever so much.It’s time for stockings and sweaters.
These are the 100 most beautiful words in the English language, apparently.
Aren’t Katy Smail’s illustrations lovely? I like that her girls look just a little bit awkward (all the best girls are!), and always well-dressed. This is a small selection of Katy’s work – you can see more here, or read her blog here. I asked her to come up with a list of her ten favourite things right now – and here it is, adorable kittens included.
You must watch Daisies. Zoe has posted about it already, but I have to repeat, and urge you to see it! It’s the best.
I’ve spent the entire morning watching Youtube and it’s entirely filmmaker Niamh Peren’s fault. Niamh’s a favourite subject for Maya Villiger at Turned Out, and she also makes very clever films. Here are her ten favourite (well, eleven favourite) things; and you should also take a look at her website here too.
One of my favourite blogs at the moment is the delightfully titled Cat Party. Like So Much To Tell You, the blog was started by two best friends, Chelsea and Megan, as a way to stay in touch while living in different cities. I feel they are kindred spirits: they have a penchant for cats, and they find amazing things like books dedicated to one of the Heathers from Heathers, blogs about the fashion of Roseanne and a Barbie doll based on ‘Tippi’ Hedren’s character in The Birds. Plus they are very funny. Here are their 10 favourite things right now – I want that BFF necklace!